Social Media Strategies for Your Healthcare Organization

Getting Started

Hey health junkies! I’m back once again to help make sure you get your organization moving in the right direction. I’ll be giving you information on what strategies you should use to ensure your organization is thriving in all aspects. So stay with me, you don’t want to miss this.


Strategy Starters

Here are some helpful tips that Mashable lends to ensure you have the perfect social media strategy plan.

Know your audience. For the past couple of blogs, I’ve put emphasis on knowing your audience. This is still very important and here’s why. It’s important to know your audience so that you can know what content to present to them. Depending on what social media platform you are using, your audience will vary, so it would be beneficial to know who you’re talking to.


Solve Problems. You’re probably wondering why this is important, well your followers look to you for answers to their problems. As a healthcare professional, they trust your expertise and they have hope that you will steer them in the right direction. So don’t let them down.


Quotes and knowing your voice. It may seem cheesy, but posting motivational or humorous quotes will keep your audience engaged as well. Which leads to knowing your voice. Whatever you post on your social media platforms should be a direct reflection of you and it should sound just like you. Believe it or not, your followers can easily pick up on your authenticity.


Be True. Like I stated in the “quotes and knowing your voice” section, your followers can easily identify your authenticity. As a trusted healthcare professional, you shouldn’t make promises to your audience that you can’t keep. They rely on your expertise and being truthful makes that bond stronger.

Strategic Content Planning

You want to make sure that people will want to stop and read what you post on your site. So keep them engaged. Here are a few tips that Forbes lends to ensure you put the right content out there for your audience.

Go behind the scenes. Allowing your audience to get a glimpse of what actually goes in within your healthcare organization will make them feel more involved. Keep them in the loop.

Share Resources. It is perfectly okay to share other professional advice with your audience and in return, it will help to get your brand up.

Reviews. Ask for reviews on your organization or your product if you are promoting one. This allows for your audience to engage in conversation not only with you, but with others who follow you as well.

Share tips. People look to you for advice, so lend tips every now and again on things that your audience will find helpful and useful.

Timed Content

The most important thing is knowing when to post things to your social media platforms. Like I stated earlier, depending on what social media platform you use, your audience will vary. It is important that you know what time of the day your users are active. You’ll also want to share content multiple times during the day. Here’s what YouTube suggests.

One thing to remember, if you are a member of multiple social media platforms, using a content calendar will be beneficial to you so that you can keep up with everything. Sprout Social lends great advice on why a social media content calendar is important. Here’s an example of how one looks.


Thank your audience.

A simple thank you can go a long way and your audience will feel even more involved and connected with you and your healthcare organization. Not to mention, the more comfortable and secure they feel with you, the more they will feel they can trust you.


Now go on, start creating strategies for all of your social media platforms, I know you can do it and I have faith you’ll be successful in doing so!



One comment

  1. carolyndebona · March 1, 2016

    You’re blog looked great! I loved the layout, it was easy to read, flowed well, and had a lot of good information. I can really tell you added personality with the way you introduced the blog. I like how you added videos to keep the interest when scrolling as well as the great vivid images. The only recommendation I would have for you would be to add some more hyperlinks and some real world examples! Keep up the good work! -Carolyn

    Liked by 1 person

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