Snap what? Snap who? SNAPCHATTING Into Healthcare.


I’m back again to help you expand your healthcare organization even more. Let’s start with the basics of course. What is Snapchat? Snapchat is a video messaging app that allows you to send videos that last for up to ten seconds. It also allows you to send messages that last for the same amount of time.
The biggest feature of Snapchat is its time constraint. This is both a blessing and a curse. It allows you to post things to your story for up to 24 hours and then it disappears. Don’t worry, I’ll explain what a story is later. But if you send an individual snap or video to another organization, it goes away immediately. So you really have to make everything you say count.

Snapchat even has this feature where you can send snap cash, which is pretty cool for your organization. If you are looking for donations, your followers can send money straight to your healthcare organization!

Pretty cool right? I know, it’s a lot to take in, but Snapchat is definitely one of those apps that will be around for a while and that will continue to evolve. Now the big question comes, I know you’re wondering just how in the world Snapchat can help you. The answer is quite simple. Watch this short YouTube video about Snapchat and then we can dive into the fun stuff!

Let’s get started with Snap basics.

  • Create an account. When you create your account, you want to make sure you have access to some form of electronic device besides a computer. Snapchat is only effective on cell phones, iPads, and kindles. Snapchat has added this feature that allows you to post a picture in your profile, thus allowing people to see your organization before they add you.
  • Make sure the person in charge of your Snapchat account knows their stuff. Make sure you have someone in charge of your account who is knowledgeable about the app but also knows how to effectively use it so you can expand your organization.
  • Snap often. Even if people do not see your snaps as soon as you post them, they can view them later and that’s a plus to this whole snapping thing.


Secrets and tips for using Snapchat.

Once again I’m going to use that word, “audience.” Choose the right audience and make sure you know who you’re targeting your messages to. Here are a few  secrets and tips Social Media Examiner and AdWeek offers on how to make your Snapchat the talk of the town.

  1. Develop content. First things first, if you want people to engage in your organization and know what you’re all about, you need to create content that is interesting. One way to do that is to simply create tutorials that show your audience how to do things. As a healthcare professional, you can even record a day in the life as a physician.
  2. Give your audience a glimpse behind the scenes. Allow your friends on Snapchat into your organization’s world and let them see what you’re all about. This is important because when you start to market your organization or product, you can ask your fellow snappers to upload pictures using your product or representing your brand.
  3. Be creative. The cool thing about Snapchat is, you have the ability to mark on your snaps and draw cool pictures. This is fun, interesting, and it is sure to get your audience more involved in what you’re doing.
  4. Tell stories using your account. You can post multiple snaps one after the other to tell a story to your fellow Snapchat friends. If you want to just share images rather than videos, use music with your images. It allows your audience to be more engaged because they will have suitable tune to jam to while looking at your content. Now’s that’s fun!
  5. Know your audience. Know your audience, know your audience, and know your audience. Did I say know your audience? This is really an important factor. Most of Snapchat’s users range from the ages of 13-25. So that’s middle school to roughly college graduates and believe it or not, they snap all the time. You want to reach out to them and also expand by linking your account to other social sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Way to go with Snapchat lingo!

Before you start using Snapchat, let me tell you all about the lingo!

  • Snap- any picture message sent to your followers.
  • Snapchat- any written info that you send to your followers that can be saved only if you keep the app opened and active.
  • Videosnap- any videos sent between followers or the live video streaming between followers.
  • Story- the place where all of the snaps posted can be uploaded and disappear after 24 hours of being posted.
  • Snap Cash- where followers can send money to your organization or personal Snapchat account.

Why should your healthcare organization use Snapchat?

Here’s what Sprout Social says about why you should use Snapchat and how it can benefit your healthcare organization.

  1. You can use your Snapchat account to giveaway free things to your audience. Remember, the more you give things away, the more people will flock.
  2. Tell stories on your account. Make your followers feel involved in your work and make them feel a part of your organization. Another great way to do this is do the live video chat with them.
  3. Combine videos and pictures. Never limit yourself to just videos or to images. That gets boring after a while and the key to it all is making sure that your target audience stays interested in your brand.
  4. Snap cash is amazing. Again, snap cash is a cool feature on the app that allows people to send instant donations to your organization by the hit of one button. Now that’s what you call the bomb dot com. Okay that was cheesy, but you get the point.

Let’s see who’s snapping the right way.

Women’s Health magazine is one organization that is definitely using snapchat to their advantage. They use the app to lend tips to women on how they can stay healthy, lets them know what the latest recipes are, and how to ensure others, not just women can keep a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Before you start your Snapchat journey, read through the tips I gave you on how to build a successful brand and to keep expanding. Now go, start snapping, you won’t want to miss out on the fun and guarantee you it will be the best ten seconds of your life!



One comment

  1. clhcomm421 · February 24, 2016

    Taishia – Let me just say I really loved your blog! I thought it was super charming and informative. I never would have thought of Snapchat as such a useful tool for health organizations until I read your blog. I really liked that you started off with a video explaining to people what exactly Snapchat is, and you wrote out some “Snap Basics”. I also thought it was really useful that you clearly laid out all the terms one would need to know to understand and use Snapchat. Also, making your header color match the color of the logo of the social media was a very clever idea. Overall, it was great. The only thing I would suggest is maybe breaking up your first couple of paragraphs more, just because most people skim and it might be more beneficial in order to give them all the information they need.

    Liked by 1 person

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